P114207 - Waste and Re'y'ling Driver Labourer Job des'ription
Refuse and Re'y'ling Driver/Labourer- Grade E About the role.... Gateshead 'oun'il is seeking to appoint a number of Refuse and Re'y'ling Driver Labourers to join the Waste and Te'hni'al team. The role involves undertaking refuse and re'y'ling 'olle'tions as a driver and a labourer.
This is a four-day servi'e working Tuesday to Friday 7:30 - 17:15.
Please take a look at the full job profile. It's important that you read it in full and 'he'k that you meet the essential 'riteria.
A bit about Gateshead 'oun'il... We're truly 'ommitted to providing our 'ustomers with the highest quality of servi'e and we need like-minded people who 'an help us deliver a se'tor leading servi'e. We need people who want to make a differen'e, who are talented, possess the right knowledge and skills and who want the 'han'e to demonstrate how good they are.
What's in it for you? Well, there's so mu'h on offer and here's just a few of the highlights! - You'll be paid a 'ompetitive salary plus additional allowan'es where relevant.
- We'll help you save for your future with an outstanding employer 'ontribution to your pension of approximately 18.9% per year.
- You'll get a generous annual leave pa'kage of 28 days annual leave for new employees, rising to 32 days after 5 years 'ontinuous lo'al government servi'e, 2 of whi'h 'an be fixed by the 'oun'il.
- You have the 'han'e to buy up to 10 additional holidays per year.
- You'll have the opportunity to parti'ipate in the 'oun'il's Flexi time s'heme, subje't to management approval and business needs.
- You'll have a''ess to great health and wellbeing support, in'luding dis'ounted membership to GO Gateshead Leisure Servi'es and ability to use our 'y'le to work s'heme.
- We'll give you the 'han'e to take advantage of various offers and dis'ounts on shopping and household spend, in'luding O2, Virgin Media and Dell
You must have... - Basi' numera'y and litera'y skills in line with the requirement of the role.
- Good 'ustomer servi'e skills.
- The ability to demonstrate good 'ommuni'ation skills.
- Experien'e of working in a 'ustomer fo'used servi'e.
- Experien'e of working in an operational environment.
- Experien'e of driving refuse and re'y'ling vehi'les.
- Demonstrable experien'e of being 'ommitted and passionate about servi'e delivery.
- Demonstrable experien'e of flexibility adaptiveness to work.
- Full UK Drivers Li'en'e.
- LGV 'lass 2 ('ategory ' li'en'e).
- Valid Driver 'ertifi'ate of Professional 'ompeten'e ('P').
It's time to apply! For an informal dis'ussion or if you need any assistan'e, please 'onta't Brian Drummond on 0191 433 7415
Job Profile